so der Titel meiner Präsentation im Rahmen einer Seminarserie zu Governementalität im Bildungswesen an der Katholieke Universiteit Leuven.
Since the beginning of the 1990s quality management concerned not only economic entrepreneurs, but also the section of education and further education. Quality management was discussed highly emotional in the field of education, because of the cut of public financing for German adult education centres. The government forced the educational institutions to act in a more effective and economic way by establishing more self-responsibility in the educational system.
This development was embedded in a (as Foucault would say) neoliberal art of government, which stands for a economic, calculable and efficient behaviour in all spheres of life. We can find this neoliberal rationality in the section of health, crime prevention, security, education etc. For that formation, the term of “the Economisation of the Social” is nowadays quite common.
With the concept of “Governmentality”, Michel Foucault invented an analytic frame which enables studies of the art of government in different historic time periods. In Foucault’s terms, Governmentality describes power as “the conduct of conducts” (Foucault 1987: 255), as an effect on the behaviour and action of others. With this notion it is possible to analyse the discursive production of a (here: neoliberal) rationality and its most common technologies, which seek to implement the rationality into reality, and furthermore the construction of subjects as enterprising selves. Not only individuals are interpellated as enterprising selves, but also collective subjects like educational institutions. The term of interpellation, which goes back to Louis Althusser (1977), tries to explain how subjects are created in modern societies. A desirable form of subjects - according to the current politic rationality - is proclaimed, and implicates how individuals and institutions should govern themselves...

The-Government-of-Quality-Julia-Franz (pdf, 204 KB)

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